Gates Lubricants

Metalworking Fluids

Our products never contain chlorinated paraffins, animal fat, or traditional dark-sulfured additives. We continuously strive to better understand our customers’ operations as well as the applications and variables of metalworking fluids from metal removal, grinding, and forming.

Metalworking fluids come in many different forms, including straight oil, soluble oil, semi-synthetics, and solution synthetics. Each of these can be used in a wide array of applications. From metal removal, grinding, or forming, our products provide the proper fluid technology to successfully complete the operation. There are many different variables to consider when choosing the proper Metalworking Fluid. Gates Engineered Lubricants has the application knowledge necessary to support you in this critical decision making process. This helps to ensure you get the right metalworking fluids to fit the needs of your tools and machinery.

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